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Los Angeles, The DGA Theater Complex, 02 november 2021

  • Festivals

    Colcoa 2021 : The restless, Q&A with Damien Bonnard

    Damien Bonnard (Les Miserables – Colcoa 2019) and Leïla Bekhti give tour-de-force performances in this tense, tender, often-heartbreaking portrait of a family torn apart by mental illness. Damien is an impassioned painter who happens to be bipolar. Leila spends her days worrying about him and trying to keep their little boy safe. Yet the film’s intimacy and incandescent moments of joy and love — and an up-close-and-personal camera style —...

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Los Angeles, The DGA Theater Complex, 01 november 2021

  • Festivals

    Colcoa 2021 : We have covered the red carpet of the opening night

    "Twenty-five years is quite an achievement for a festival. This longevity is easily explained by its growing popularity and the constant support of the Franco-American Cultural Fund that created Colcoa in 1997," said Taylor Hackford. The main reason for this success is that Colcoa has always been a unique place for French and American writers/directors to meet, debate and exchange ideas, which is what the Fund is all about. This is also why this anniversary edition is naturally...

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Los Angeles, The DGA Theater Complex, 01 november 2021

  • Festivals

    Colcoa 2021 : We were at the opening night ceremony

    The opening night was held at the Directors Guild of America Awards in Los Angeles on Sunset Boulevard. Director Michael Mann, Julie Duhaut-Bedos the Consul of France in Los Angeles, François Truffart the Director of the festival, producer Anouchka van Riel and Charles Rivkin, Former Ambassador of the United States to France held a speech to celebrate the opening of this festival so important to us Speech by Michael Mann

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Paris, Le Casino de Paris, 03 to 30 october 2021

  • Spectacles

    Michael Gregorio : The odyssey of the voice, a memorable and perfectly mastered show

    If there is one virtuoso artist that we adore for his immense talent, it is the gifted Michael Gregorio. Comedian, singer and impersonator, he remains a true phenomenon on stage, overflowing with energy and who takes a certain pleasure not only to entertain his audience but to constantly surpass himself to give perfect and impressive voice and imitations. While some comedians tend to line up more or less successful sketches on stage, he delivers at each of his shows...

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Los Angeles, Grauman's Chinese Theatre, 22 october 2021

  • Festivals

    Animation is Film 2021 :  The summit of Gods

    Animation is film (AIF) is taking place in-person October 22-24 and returns to its home at the TCL Chinese 6 Theatres in Hollywood. The festival kicks off Opening Night on Friday, October 22 with the North American premiere of the highly anticipated Netflix feature, The Summit Of The Gods, followed by an in-person Q&A with award-winning director Patrick Imbert (The Big Bad Fox and Other Tales). On Saturday, October 23, the Centerpiece film features...

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