Black Bag

Black Bag
Original title:Black Bag
Director: Steven Soderbergh
Running time:94 minutes
Release date:14 march 2025
Black Bag is a fast-paced spy movie that tells the story of a couple of secret agents, George Woodhouse and his wife Kathryn. When Kathryn is suspected of treason against the nation, George faces a heart-wrenching dilemma: protect his marriage or defend his country.

Mulder's Review

Steven Soderbergh has always been a director who defies expectations, moving from one genre to another with an ease that borders on mischief. Whether it's stylish heist movies like Ocean's Eleven, cruel crime dramas like Traffic or paranoid thrillers like Kimi, he has always found new ways to play with the form, perspective and conventions of the genre. With Black Bag, his latest foray into the spy thriller, Soderbergh doesn't just engage in the stylistic devices of spy cinema, he deconstructs them, distills them down to their human essence and serves them up with the kind of deadpan humor and stylistic confidence that has marked his best work.

Black Bag seems to be the spiritual successor to Steven Soderbergh's Haywire, his stripped-down and brutal take on the spy genre. But where Haywire was an efficient action machine, all fluidity and fight choreography, Black Bag is its cerebral cousin, swapping high-adrenaline chases and shootouts for a more internalized psychological battle. It owes more to the methodical paranoia of the movie Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy than to the bombast of a Mission: Impossible movie, with a central conceit that is less about stopping the next apocalyptic threat than about figuring out who, if anyone, can be trusted. The greatest weapons here are not fists or firearms, but pointed conversations, telling looks and dinners that turn into battlefields of social and strategic maneuvers.

At the heart of the film is George Woodhouse (Michael Fassbender), a meticulous and highly strung British secret service agent who takes his distaste for lies to a pathological level. A man who once denounced his own father for treason, George is now handed a list of five potential moles within his agency. Among them is his wife, Kathryn (Cate Blanchett), a brilliant and enigmatic agent who thrives in the gray areas that George only sees in black and white. The two share a marriage based on discipline and discretion, bound by the mutual understanding that certain truths must remain hidden. But when Kathryn becomes a suspect, George is forced to ask himself if their carefully cultivated trust has been nothing but an illusion.

Steven Soderbergh and screenwriter David Koepp, who have already collaborated on Kimi and Presence, use this premise to explore the nature of trust, not only in espionage, but also in relationships themselves. Black Bag often resembles Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? with spies, particularly in its striking dinner sequence, where George draws up his list of suspects under the pretext of an informal meeting, and then spices up the meal with an inhibitor-lowering drug. What follows is a slow-building tension, a demonstration of wit and psychology, with Fassbender's icy precision and Blanchett's stealthy charm responding to each other in an electric way. The supporting roles - Tom Burke as the resentful and washed-up agent Freddie Smalls, Marisa Abela as his bright and tech-savvy girlfriend Clarissa, Regé-Jean Page as the ambitious Colonel Stokes, and Naomie Harris as the agency psychologist who knows more than she lets on - all add layers of intrigue, making the dinner table feel like a pressure cooker ready to explode.

If there is a direct link to be made between Black Bag and Soderbergh's previous films, it is probably with Ocean's Eleven. Both films revel in the art of deception and feature a group of professionals who are as witty as they are talented. But where Ocean's is light-hearted and confident in its characters' mastery of their world, Black Bag is interested in challenging certainties. There is a delicious irony in watching a room full of intelligence experts - people trained to deceive, analyze and manipulate - struggle to make sense of their own lives. The term Black Bag, often invoked as a conversational dead end for classified information, becomes an unspoken metaphor for the secrets that all these characters keep, not only from each other, but also from themselves.

Stylistically, Steven Soderbergh remains restrained, eschewing the more ostentatious flourishes that have made his reputation, particularly in his recent works such as Full Circle and No Sudden Move. Although his penchant for unconventional framing and off-kilter angles is still present, Black Bag is one of his most classic films in years. Its cinematography (shot under his usual pseudonym, Peter Andrews) captures London in a subdued, almost clinical light that punctuates the film's underlying themes of surveillance and detachment. The film's color palette oscillates between the rich amber glow of private spaces - where secrets are whispered and loyalties are tested - and the sterile fluorescence of government offices, where emotions are supposed to be repressed in the name of duty.

Of course, no discussion of Black Bag would be complete without its main duo. Michael Fassbender, fresh from The Killer and The Agency, continues his recent run of cold, hyper-competent men who repress their emotions in favor of precision. But unlike those roles, George is neither an assassin nor a ghost; he is a husband, and that distinction makes all the difference. There is a subtle fragility to him here, a barely perceptible hesitation beneath the surface that makes his collapse all the more fascinating. Kate Blanchett, meanwhile, is utterly magnetic in the role of Kathryn, walking the fine line between affectionate partner and inscrutable suspect with feline grace. Every interaction between them crackles with innuendo, their relationship oscillating between devotion and doubt, passion and paranoia. When Kathryn asks George, “Would you kill for me?”, it is both a seduction and a challenge, a moment that sums up the central question of the film: how much can love bear before fracturing under the weight of secrecy?

Steven Soderbergh has long been fascinated by the intersection of trust and deceit, from the conmen of The Limey to the double-dealing traffickers of Traffic and No Sudden Move. But Black Bag seems to be one of his most refined and sophisticated explorations of this theme, a film that arms conversation and body language in such a way as to make a simple glance as dangerous as a bullet. It is also a film that deserves to be seen again, because the subtleties of each performance, the clues hidden in each exchange, become more apparent once you know how the game is played.

Black Bag is so methodical in its approach that it may slightly disappoint those expecting a more conventional spy thriller. This is not The Bourne Identity or even Die Hard: it is a film where the biggest action moment is an argument between lovers, where the climax depends more on a character's decision than on a shoot-out. But for those willing to delve into its complex web of lies and loyalties, it's a lesson in tension, a reminder that sometimes the most dangerous battles are not fought in the streets, but at the dinner table.

In the broader context of Steven Soderbergh's career, Black Bag seems to be an evolution of his instinct as a storyteller, less experimental than some of his recent projects, but no less ambitious in its examination of human nature. It's a movie that understands that espionage isn't just about gadgets and missions, but is also about people, the delicate dance of trust and betrayal that defines both relationships and espionage. And at a time when so many thrillers prioritize spectacle over substance, Black Bag testifies to the power of a well-placed pause, a trick question or a look that lingers just a second too long. It's Steven Soderbergh at the top of his game: cool, calculating and endlessly captivating.

Black Bag
Directed by Steven Soderbergh
Written by David Koepp
Produced by Casey Silver, Gregory Jacobs
Starring Cate Blanchett, Michael Fassbender, Marisa Abela, Tom Burke, Naomie Harris, Regé-Jean Page, Pierce Brosnan
Music by David Holmes
Cinematography: Steven Soderbergh
Edited by Steven Soderbergh
Production company: Casey Silver Productions
Distributed by Focus Features (United States), Universal Pictures (France)
Release date: March 14, 2025 (United States),
Running time: 94 minutes

Screening on March 10, 2025 at Gaumont Disney Village, Theater 8 seat A20

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