
Original title:Dune
Director:Denis Villeneuve
Running time:155 minutes
Release date:22 october 2021
The story of Paul Atreides, a young man as gifted as he is brilliant, destined to know an extraordinary destiny that is totally beyond him. If he is to preserve the future of his family and his people, he must travel to the most dangerous planet in the universe - the only one capable of providing the world's most precious resource, capable of increasing humanity's power tenfold. As evil forces vie for control of this planet, only those who can overcome their fear will survive...

Mulder's Review

Some films this year were so expected that they had to be perfect in all their aspects in order not to disappoint the public that was waiting for them. Dune, the new film by Denis Villeneuve, was going to confirm how gifted this director really was and how he was able to go from independent films (Un 32 août sur terre (1998), Maelström (2000), Polytechnique (2009), Incendies (2010)) to Hollywood productions with a perfect cast (Prisoners (2013), Enemy (2013), Sicario (2015), Premier Contact (Arrival) (2016), Blade Runner 2049 (2017)). The stakes were really high as the science fiction novel by American author Frank Herbert, published in 1965, had established itself as a bestseller and a true literary masterpiece whose influence is prominent on global pop culture.

 The original novel has been supplemented by five sequels (Dune Messiah, Children of Dune, God Emperor of Dune, Heretics of Dune, and Chapterhouse: Dune) and thus forms a real universe. Already adapted to the cinema by David Lynch in 1984 but also in the form of a mini-series broadcast in 2000 on the Sci-fi channel in the United States, the Dune universe was also transcribed into video games, comics and various other formats. It is easy to understand that such a universe deserved to be adapted to the cinema with colossal means worthy of the cinematographic sagas of Lord of the Rings and Star Wars. We can thus easily understand the will of Warner Bros studios to propose a new universe capable of competing with films like Avatar by James Cameron and it is not a fortuitous coincidence to find different common points between these two films.

While David Lynch's film had not managed to find the full extent of Frank Herbert's novel and had tried to summarize the main plot of the film in a single film, Denis Villeneuve, supported by Eric Roth and Jon Spaihts, started from the observation that it was necessary to find all the literary strength of the original novel and thus to cut it into two films in order to give enough scope to the characters without losing any of the intrigue and the spectacular scenes that made the novel famous. The result is a film that from the first images announces that it is the first part and shows the extent of this universe by placing the story on different planets and showing how the young Paul Atreides (Timothé Chalamet, perfect in his role) will have to set his destiny on fire and impose himself as the one who will bring the oppressed people of the desert planet Arrakis to freedom.  Arrakis is at the center of all the conflicts for the rare spice (a kind of drug) which is found there.  The drug has several virtues such as prolonging human life, providing superhuman levels of thinking and allowing humans to travel faster than light. 

While Blade Runner 2049 left us hungry and did not manage to equal ridley Scott's masterpiece, Denis Villeneuve seems to have drawn a real visual experience to transcend as he does with Dune the science fiction film. Above all, he has understood through First Contact (Arrival) the importance of visual space to stage gigantic spaceships and epic battle scenes.  He succeeded where David Lynch failed, not only by not betraying the cult book but also by giving it real life on the big screen. His film is spectacular, epic and above all an intense visual experience that is simply devoured with immense pleasure. 

The scriptwriters have also understood that the book of Frank Herbert addresses different themes and is a mixture of films of knights, but also has an important part related to religion with a messiah who will have to bring peace in the universe and overthrow the tyrant in place. To be able to find the magnitude of the novel it was necessary not only spectacular special effects but also to shoot the film in IMAX to offer a real intense cinematographic experience. The success is all the greater because Denis Villeneuve succeeds in making an engaging film without any slackening and especially in offering one of the most spectacular films of the year, provided that you discover it for the first time in IMAX and not on a screen as big as it is, otherwise you will lose part of the effectiveness of this film. 

In the same way, the director was able to surround himself with an excellent cast with the actor Timothy Chalam and Rebecca Ferguson (one of the most beautiful actresses in the world today), Oscar Isaac, Josh Brolin, Stellan Skarsgård, Dave Bautista, Zendaya, Chang Chen, Charlotte Rampling, Jason Momoa and Javier Bardem. The film thus recovers all the charm of the great sumptuous films of the past years and above all shows in an undeniable way the importance of discovering these films in the cinema and not on your television (in this case HBO Max).

To say that we hope to be able to discover the second part in the years to come is undeniable and we hope that the team present on this film will be able to meet again for the sequel which promises to be even more epic if you have read the book. Undeniably Denis Villeneuve signs his best film and even if he is not as visionary as James Cameron who pushes the existing technology in each of his films. A piece of advice: run to see Dune in IMAX, you'll love it, you'll be amazed and you'll want to read the cult book by Frank Herbert.

Directed by Denis Villeneuve
Screenplay by Jon Spaihts, Denis Villeneuve, Eric Roth
Based on Dune by Frank Herbert
Produced byDenis Villeneuve, Mary Parent, Cale Boyter, Joe Caracciolo Jr.
Starring Timothée Chalamet, Rebecca Ferguson, Oscar Isaac, Josh Brolin, Stellan Skarsgård, Dave Bautista, Stephen McKinley Henderson, Zendaya, Chang Chen, Charlotte Rampling, Jason Momoa, Javier Bardem
Cinematography : Greig Fraser
Edited by Joe Walker
Music by Hans Zimmer
Production company : Legendary Pictures
Distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures
Release date : September 3, 2021 (Venice), October 22, 2021 (United States)
Running time : 155 minutes

Seen on September 14, 2021 at Gaumont Disney Village, Room 11 IMAX 3D, seat E19 

Mulder's Mark: