Tin can

Tin can
Original title:Tin can
Director:Seth A. Smith
Running time:104 minutes
Release date:Not communicated
In the middle of winter, a fungal infection called Coral ravages Eastern Canada and the rest of the world. As renowned parasitologist Fret (Anna Hopkins) tries to find a way to control this strange life form, she is suddenly kidnapped. Intubated and weak, she wakes up inside a biostasis chamber (a human-sized tin can) in a dark and dank brutalist building where others seem to be experiencing the same situation as her. Who brought her there and for what purpose? What new world awaits her outside? As she struggles to escape and learns more about her fellow inmates, unresolved traumas resurface that may be the key to her freedom.

Mulder's Review

Recently on Netflix, Alexandre Aja's excellent new film Oxygen (2021) was released, in which a young woman wakes up with amnesia in a cryogenic capsule and has to find a way to escape as the oxygen runs out and her destiny seems destined to a tragic end. The third film co-written and directed by Seth A. Smith (Lowlife (2012), The Crescent (2017) takes a bit of the same concept, but gradually moves in a different direction that is all the more topical as it deals with a society in the grip of a new pandemic.

Fret (Anna Hopkins) is a renowned parasitologist searching for a cure to a fungal infection called Coral that is ravaging Eastern Canada and the rest of the world. In this world that reasons with the end of society as we know it, Fret is going to be abducted and wake up inside a biostasis chamber in a kind of warehouse where other people have also been abducted. Tin Can is all the more claustrophobic because its story refers us to the time we are living in now in which a pandemic is ravaging the whole world causing millions of deaths and seeing multiple variants appear. 

The film Tin Can is also original in that it incorporates elements of science fiction and is all the more disturbing because it constantly surprises us. The presence of the actress Anna Hopkins (Arrow, Flash, Dark Matter, The Expanse, Bad Blood) proves to be a perfect choice as she is credible as a scientist overwhelmed by the events but also as a victim finding herself in a situation she cannot control. 

The many shocking scenes in the film remind us how happy we should be to be alive, however short it may be, and not to live in a dehumanized world such as the one shown in this successful and shocking film. Director Seth A. Smith delivers a truly intense cinematic experience that we can only advise you to discover.

Tin Can
Directed by Seth A. Smith 
Produced by Nancy Urich
Written by Seth A. Smith, Darcy Spidle 
Starring Anna Hopkins, Kristin Langille, Simon Mutabazi, Chik White, Michael Ironside, Amy Trefry, Tim Dun, Woodrow Graves, Sam Vigneault, Sara Campbell, George Green 
Music by Seth A. Smith
Cinematography : Kevin A. Fraser
Release date : August 7, 2021 (Fantasia)
Running time : 104 minutes

Seen on August 12, 2021 (Fantasia screener press)

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