My First Summer

My First Summer
Original title:My First Summer
Director:Katie Found
Running time:78 minutes
Release date:00 0000 (France)

Mulder's Review

Discovered as part of the Santa Barbara International film Festival, the first film written and directed by Katie Found didn't convince us and shows us that some stories would find a better format by being a short film than a film that is drawn out and sorely lacking in pace.

Claudia (Markella Kavenagh), 16, grew up isolated from the outside world. Stranded on a secluded estate after her mother's death, she is shocked when Grace (Maiah Stewardson), a feisty local girl, appears in the garden like a mirage, a breath of fresh, sweet air. The two women find the support, love and intimacy they need in each other, teaching each other the restorative power of human connection. Their idyllic peace becomes fragile as the adult world closes in and threatens their secret summer love.

There was enough to make an excellent film here, however, especially when it was shot through the eyes of a young orphan girl who finds herself alone in her home after her mother dies and must relearn how to live and find her own balance. Her coming of age and her mutual attraction to another young teenager her own age could have made for an interesting and original comedy-drama.

Unfortunately in this case, the slow tempo, the lack of visual audacity makes us quickly get bored in front of a too slow film, certainly aesthetically beautiful but boring as hell.

My First Summer
Written and directed by Katie Found
Produced by Jonathan auf der Heide, Alisha Hnatjuk
Starring Markella Kavenagh, Maiah Stewardson, Harvey Zielinski, Steve Mouzakis
Cinematography: Matthew Chuang
Edited by Annabelle Johnson
Release date : March 2, 2021 (Australia)
Running time : 78 minutes

Score : 2/5

Seen on April 05, 202 (France)

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