
Original title:Breach
Director:John Suits
Running time:92 minutes
Release date:00 0000 (France)

Mulder's Review

There was a time when Bruce Willis was an excellent actor who was totally invested in his roles and lined up successes whether it was the cult movie saga Die Hard (whose last part was unfortunately disappointing), fantasy or science fiction films of formidable effectiveness (The Army of the Twelve Monkeys (Twelve Monkeys) (1995), Armageddon (1998), Sixth Sense (1999)) and many correct thrillers and action films (Code Mercury (Mercury Rising) (1998), Hostage (Hostage) (2005), Expendables 2 : Special Unit (The Expendables 2) (2012), Red 2 (2013), Death Wish (2018). .).

Unfortunately his latest films seem to show that he follows the descending career of actor Nicolas Cage by lining up independent productions in which he seems to be constantly out of step and provides the bare minimum that is State of Shock (Trauma Center) (2019), Survival (Survive the Night) (2020), Hard kill (2020) and it is not Breach who will make us change our minds about the downfall of a Hollywood actor who prefers to look for productions that require few days of shooting and above all little text to remember.

However, at first glance, Breach could have been a good science fiction film if it had been based on a seasoned director and above all a scenario that was conducive to many twists and turns and not a film that tried to copy successful and inspired films. In Breach, we follow a young mechanic, Noah (Cody Kearsley) on an interstellar arch to the New Earth to thwart a malevolent cosmic terror that wants to use the spaceship as a weapon. In this spaceship carrying thousands of people to the new earth, Noah's pregnant companion, daughter of the admiral of the spaceship, is cryogenically frozen like most earthlings. When a new life form appears on board, determined to kill all humans and transform them into uncontrollable zombies, Noah can only count on his courage and a few crew members, including Clay Young (Bruce Willis), to stay alive and survive by saving himself and his companion from a tragic destiny.

By discovering Breach we could understand the will of the screenwriters Edward Drake and Corey Large to propose a science fiction film plagiarizing successful films and we will think in particular of Ridley Scott's Alien to see many zombie films but in this case, it would have been necessary to make the main characters credible and take care of the special effects because in this case we too often have the impression to find ourselves in front of a Syfy stamped TV movie.

As for the monster that seems to be a bad copy-paste of John Carpenter's masterpiece The Thing, it is based on bad special effects and is almost laughable as it shows that Breach is closer to a Z than B series in which Bruce Willis seems only present to seal and provide the bare minimum in his acting. We won't go back on the ending either, which turns out to be a total disappointment and gives the impression that the writers didn't know how to finish this movie and wanted to plagiarize Gareth Edwards' very successful Monsters without any ounce of talent.

Directed by John Suits
Produced by Corey Large, Danny Roth, Mike Donovan, Ryan Charles Griffin
Written by Edward Drake, Corey Large
Starring Cody Kearsley, Bruce Willis, Thomas Jane
Music by Scott Glasgow
Cinematography: Will Stone
Production company : Saban Films
Distributed by Saban Films
Release date: December 18, 2020
Running time: 92 minutes

Viewed on December 19, 2020

Mulder's Mark: