The renowned Paris Manga & Sci-Fi Show is set to return for its 36th edition, on October 5 and 6, 2024 at the Parc des Expositions Paris Nord Villepinte. This event, which has become a not-to-be-missed rendezvous for fans of pop culture, science fiction and Japanese culture, once again promises to attract a large audience, with an estimated attendance of over 55,000 visitors over an impressive 50,000 m².
The Paris Manga & Sci-Fi Show stands out for its ability to bring together the different worlds of science fiction, manga and video games. For this edition, the organizers are raising the bar even higher, with a rich program and a series of prestigious guests. Fans will be able to meet Andy Serkis, famous for his role in Lord of the Rings and Planet of the Apes, Lana Parrilla from Once Upon a Time, Christopher Judge from Stargate SG-1 and God of War, and Sean Maguire, also from Once Upon a Time.
Japanese culture takes center stage at the Paris Manga & Sci-Fi Show, with a dedicated stage and a variety of activities. Visitors will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in this universe through concerts, conferences and demonstrations that highlight both the ancestral traditions and modernity of Japan. Among the activities on offer, origami and calligraphy workshops, as well as martial arts demonstrations, will take visitors on a journey to the heart of Japanese cultural practices.
The Cosplay Village will be one of this year's star attractions. Covering an area of 1,500 m², this space dedicated to the art of cosplay will feature a number of specialist exhibitors, including AMF Cosplay, Cosmazing and Meet and Magic. The Coupe de France de Cosplay competition will provide participants with a stage on which to express their creativity and passion, in front of an enthusiastic audience. This village is a privileged meeting place for costume enthusiasts, whether creators or spectators.
Visitors will have the chance to immerse themselves in legendary worlds thanks to a series of spectacular sets and exhibits. Among the attractions, the iconic Transformers cars, Bumblebee and Barricade, as well as themed exhibits such as the Harry Potter by Ludo Collection Expo, the Goldorak Experience exhibition, and the Zelda Hyrule Expo will be on hand to inspire young and old alike. These installations allow fans to discover cult objects and immerse themselves in the universes of their favorite franchises.
The Paris Manga & Sci-Fi Show stands out for the diversity of its themes and the richness of the exchanges it enables. Hosting a diverse range of exhibitors (250 expected this year) from major companies to local craftsmen, the show offers a wide variety of products and services. What's more, the event encourages innovation and entrepreneurship by showcasing young creators and startups in the geek sector.
Aware of the importance of accessibility, the Paris Manga & Sci-Fi Show has taken specific measures to ensure that the event is accessible to people with reduced mobility. Accommodations have been made to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable experience for all visitors, demonstrating the show's commitment to inclusion and diversity.
Since its creation in 2007, the Paris Manga & Sci-Fi Show has become a cultural phenomenon in France, bringing together communities of fans around pop culture, manga, science fiction and cosplay. Thanks to the passion of its founders and the richness of its programming, the show continues to grow and offer immersive experiences to its visitors. In 2024, it confirms its status as a must-attend event for all fans of geek and Japanese culture.
Information :
Dates: October 5 & 6, 2024
Venue: Parc des Expositions Paris Nord Villepinte - Hall 5A
Facebook :
Photos: Boris Colletier / Mulderville
(Source : press release)