The animated adventure feature Mummies from Warner Bros. Pictures, is directed by Juan Jesús García Galocha (Galo), who is new to film after working as an art director on films such as Tad: The Lost Explorer and Tad: The Lost Explorer, and the Secret of King Midas. The script was co-written by Jordi Gasull and Javier Barreira, winners of the Goya Award for Best Screenplay for Tad: The Lost Explorer. Emmy Award-winning screenwriter Ricky Roxburgh (Rapunzel, the series) helped adapt the script into English. Gasull, winner of three Goya Awards for Best Animated Film for Tad: The Lost Explorer, Target Moon and Tad: The Lost Explorer and the Secret of King Midas, is also the film's producer. Pedro Solis, writer and director of the Goya Award-winning animated short Strings, is behind the film as director of Core Animation Studio.
Mummies follows the fun adventures of three ancient Egyptian mummies who live in a secret underground city hidden in ancient Egypt. The trio includes a princess, an ancient charioteer and his younger brother, and their pet baby crocodile. Through a series of unfortunate events, the mummies find themselves in modern-day London and embark on a zany and hilarious journey to find an ancient ring belonging to the royal family, which has been stolen by the ambitious archaeologist Lord Carnaby.
The film's music is composed by Goya award winner Fernando Velazquez, who has often collaborated with acclaimed Spanish director J.A. Bayona. The film features three original songs including "I Am Today", "New Song" and "Ring Song". The lyrics of the latter were written by writer and producer Jordi Gasull.
The film will be released in French cinemas on 8 February 2023.
Have you ever wondered what the world of the mummies is like? Beneath the pyramids of Egypt lies a fabulous kingdom, where mummies drive chariots, dream of becoming pop stars and live apart from human civilization. But when an unscrupulous archaeologist plunders one of their treasures, Thut and Princess Nefer, engaged to be married, are forced to team up and travel to the world of the living. Accompanied by Thut's brother and his pet crocodile, they go on an extraordinary adventure in London and form an unexpected friendship.
Directed by Juan Jesús García Galocha
Produced by Jordi Gasull, Toni Novella, Marc Sabé, Pedro Solís García
Written by Jordi Gasull, Javier López Barreira
Starring: Sean Bean, Eleanor Tomlinson, Hugh Bonneville, Celia Imrie, Joe Thomas, Dan Starkey, Ana Esther Alborg
Music by : Fernando Velázquez
Production companies : Atresmedia Cine, 4 Cats Pictures
Distributed by Warner Bros. France (France)
Release date : February 8, 2023 (France)
Running time : 88 minutes
Photos : Copyright Warner Bos.
(Source : press release)