Spirited is a 2022 American Christmas-themed musical directed by Sean Anders and written and co-produced by Anders and John Morris. Starring Will Ferrell, Ryan Reynolds and Octavia Spencer, the film is a modern retelling of Charles Dickens' 1843 novel, A Christmas Carol. Spirited premiered at AFI Fest on November 5, 2022, before being released in select theaters on November 11, and before its streaming release on November 18, via Apple TV+.
Every Christmas Eve, the Ghost of Christmas Present selects a dark soul to be reformed by the visit of three spirits. But this season, he has chosen the wrong Scrooge. Clint Briggs turns the tables on his ghostly host until the Present finds itself re-examining its own past, present and future. For the first time, "A Christmas Carol" is told from the ghosts' point of view in this hilarious musical version of Dickens' classic tale.
On September 20, 2019, it was announced that Sean Anders and John Morris of Daddy's Home were attached to write and direct the film, as well as produce under their production company Two Grown Men alongside Will Ferrell and Jessica Elbaum of Gloria Sanchez Productions and Ryan Reynolds and George Dewey of Maximum Effort. The following month, it was announced that Apple had won a bid for the film rights. It was also reported that over $60 million had been spent on talent for the film,[5] an amount that was later increased to $75 million. Along with the initial announcement, Ferrell and Reynolds were cast in the lead roles. Both actors earned $20 million for their roles in the film On February 8, 2021, Octavia Spencer joined the cast, with Reynolds confirmed in the lead role and Ferrell playing the Ghost of Christmas Present. In June, Sunita Mani was cast as the Ghost of Christmas Past. Filming for the film began on July 6, 2021. On October 18, 2021, Reynolds announced that filming was complete. Spirited premiered at AFI Fest on November 5, 2022, before receiving a limited theatrical release on November 11, followed by a digital release on Apple TV+ on November 18.
A 12-inch vinyl single featuring songs from Spirited was announced for the annual Record Store Day Black Friday event in 2022. It included the song "That Christmas Mornin' Feeling" sung by Ferrell on the A side and "Do a Little Good" sung by Ferrell and Reynolds on the B side.
Every Christmas Eve, the Ghost of Christmas Present chooses a dark soul, who will be saved by a visit from three spirits. But this time, he doesn't get the right Scrooge. Clint Briggs reverses the roles and it's the Ghost of Christmas Present who finds himself facing his past, present and future. In this hilarious musical variation of Dickens' work, The Christmas Carol is told for the first time from the point of view of ghosts.
Directed by Sean Anders
Written by Sean Anders, John Morris
Based on A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens
Produced by Sean Anders, George Dewey, Jessica Elbaum, Will Ferrell, John Morris, Ryan Reynolds
With Will Ferrell, Ryan Reynolds, Octavia Spencer
Director of Photography: Kramer Morgenthau
Editing: Brad Wilhite
Music: Benj Pasek, Justin Paul, Dominic Lewis
Production companies: Apple Original Films, Gloria Sanchez Productions, Maximum Effort, Mosaic, Two Grown Men
Distributed by Apple Studios
Release dates: November 5, 2022 (AFI Fest), November 11, 2022 (US), November 18, 2022 (Apple TV+)
Running time: 127 minutes
Photos: Copyright AppleTV+