Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities is an American horror streaming television series created by Guillermo del Toro for Netflix, based on the short story of the same name. The series features eight unique horror stories that challenge the classic horror genre. Two of the episodes are original works by del Toro himself, while the others are written and directed by various filmmakers. The series is scheduled to air from October 25, 2022 to October 27, 2022.
It's interesting to see how well TV horror anthology series manage to capture our attention and present stories that are admittedly short but really gripping and disturbing. Certainly the new series created by Guillermo del Toro takes up the torch of series like Tales from the Crypt, Masters of Horrors and other older ones to offer us to dive into violent, baroque stories and above all to push back the limits of the overly sanitized series that abound on American television.
The first episode, lot 36, directed by Guillermo Navarro on a script by Regina Corrado and Guillermo del Toro, begins in a direct and violent way and then approaches the theme of witchcraft and the presence on earth of an evil creature. We won't say more to keep you surprised and enjoy this episode with its dose of real fright.
This first episode reminds by its beginning one of the sketches of the movie of the fourth dimension in which a racist man and angry against the whole world is going to be plunged into a waking nightmare. Here, the main character is also angry and has important money problems. While he has just won a furniture storage unit at an auction, he will find himself facing occult forces and especially having to recover a book of witchcraft that could allow him to pay his debts. Unfortunately for him, he will face a creature as hideous as tough.
In the main role, the actor Tim Blake Nelson is perfect and brings to this episode the quality of a short film as perfectly directed as interpreted. A tip: reserve your evening tomorrow to discover this new series and its first two episodes.
To pay off an abusive debt collector, a bitter, bigoted man attends storage unit auctions to resell antiques. When he buys lot 36, he gets much more than he bargained for.
Lot 36
directed by Guillermo Navarro
Written by Regina Corrado and Guillermo del Toro
Based on an original story by : Guillermo del Toro
Cast: Tim Blake Nelson, Sebastian Roché, Demetrius Grosse, Elpidia Carrillo
Head of special effects makeup: Sean Sansom, Kyle Glencross
Prosthetic makeup effects created by: Mike Hill Creations
Designer and lead artist: Mike Hill
Release date: October 25, 2022
Photos: Copyright Netflix