Cerermony - 94ème oscars : My thoughts about this ceremony

By Mulder, 28 march 2022

I thought that the ceremony was again, too long and had far too many boring moments. The musical numbers were dreadful. The celebrations of old movies (Godfather – 50 ans) and the others were unnecessary and yet they still complain that they need to make the Oscars shorter by cutting away the awards from the technical categories, yet they put in this garbage. I felt the jokes were all terrible and ill-conceived except for a few zingers here and there. That they paid an army of writers and and comedians and yet THAT was all they could do? C’etait vraiment lamentable. 

The whole episode with Will Smith was terrible. That he was not immediately escorted out of the theater and banned from the Oscars for life is appalling. Because of who he is, he some how gets a free pass. If you or I walked up to someone working at the Dolby theater and SLAPPED them across the face on LIVE TV, we would have been arrested. Will Smith should have been arrested for battery and charged for assault. Chris Rock made a JOKE about his wife’s hair style. Did he know she was suffering from alopecia? We don’t know! But let’s assume he didn’t. I didn’t and I work in the business. 

So unless she was wearing a t-shirt or a sign saying I wear my hair like this because I have alopecia and I lost all my hair, then how dare Mr. Smith walk up and interrupt the show to physically strike a member of the Academy team and then speak such vulgarities during an international TV presentation? He is entitled, diva-like, out of control and a monster. And after he apologized to the Academy but NOT to Mr. Rock? How dare he! He is also not humble, modest or even truly apologetic. He was ACTING like he was sorry. Moments later he was at the parties with his wife and kids partying like nothing happened. If it was anyone else they would have gone home too embarrassed to be seen in public because of their idiotic behavior and too remorseful to be seen out partying. I am also very surprised that I did not hear any mention of Ukraine? It’s like a war is not even going on 6k miles away. I guess if it is not withing the 30-mile zone, it doesn’t happen and no body cares. 

On a scale of 1 to 10, I give the 2022 Academy Awards a 2.5 out of 3. The host selections were fun... but that’s it. Also, the whole bit where Regina Hall invited a few of the most handsome men from the audience to go backstage for a secondary COVID test was in such poor taste. Objectifying men like sex objects? Really? 

If this was a male host and had he called up 4 or 5 beautiful women on stage for a backstage COVID test... where he would wipe the backs of their throats with his tongue? He would be booed off the stage! But instead, Regina was given a pass, laughed at and everyone thought it was so cute. It was disgusting. Covid is not a joke. Covid has killed millions of people around the world and still today about 1,000 people die from Covid A DAY in the US. But hey, if it’s for a laugh at the Dolby, have at it. Maybe next year they can make fun of stroke victims or cancer patients. Won’t that be fun? Next year they should call uo all the UGLY people in the audience or make fun of the poorest and most ugly dresses on stage and have them taken back stage for a make over! 

I am truly over the horrible choices the Academy makes and yet somehow they just don’t understand how to do it right.  I have an answer for how to make it right...  It’s called a reality elimination show... RACE to HOST the OSCARS! 

Three months before the Oscars, launched the DAY the nominations are announced, you have a team of 10-12 comedians who will compete in a series of elimination contests to HOST the OSCARS. Just like American Idol (also an ABC production). Each week one or two comedians are eliminated, with AUDIENCE VOTING for the winners each week. THEN by the final night. WE are left with 2 or 3 finalists and we will not know WHO WINS the OSCAR HOST RACE till the night when the WINNER walks out on stage! 

Now THAT would create DRAME, EXCITEMENT, and it would be a 3-month long COMMERICALS for the OSCARS. You can interview the nominees, show photos and clips from all the movies, and educate the world on why the Oscars MATTER!

Written by Phillip
Photos : Phillip