Prime-Video - Batman and me: When fandom becomes an addiction

By Mulder, 24 february 2022

Batman and me (pity me, I'm a batman collector!) will be available on demand and digitally on March 8. Darren Maxwell, has amassed a rather.... extreme collection of Batman memorabilia. This collection started as a hobby in the late 80's, but quickly got out of hand. However, this hobby has become so endemic to his identity that, although he recognizes its utter insanity, he can't seem to part with these items. When does collecting become hoarding? When does fandom become an addiction? With the release of The Batman just days before, this is a question that may be on the minds of many. 

Darren Maxwell became addicted to collecting Batman merchandise in late 1980s Australia, to become part of the burgeoning geek culture. Decades later, Darren finds himself with a room full of collectibles and an identity he no longer recognizes. Yet a supportive partner, a fanboy best friend and a persistent need to belong make it impossible for him to let go.

Batman and me
Director: Michael Wayne
Writers: Andrew Martyn, Michael Wayne & Rebecca Richardson
Producers: Andrew Martyn & Michael Wayne
Release date : Tuesday March 8th
Running time: 84 min. (not rated)