Jim Henson created the original series Fraggle Rock with the ambitious goal of inspiring world peace. This wonderfully inventive program was designed to entertain while encouraging an understanding and embracing of diversity. Premiering in 1983, the series starred the Fraggles, a fun-loving group of furry subterranean cave dwellers, as well as the Doozers, their diminutive industrious neighbors, and the oafish Gorgs who grow the radishes they love. The original series produced four seasons, 96 total episodes, dozens of accolades and awards, and 100 original songs that feature a unique and memorable mix of music genres, from folk, blues, and gospel to country and rock. Through the fun adventures of the Fraggle gang – Red, Gobo, Wembley, Boober, Mokey and Uncle Travelling Matt – the iconic show has continued to capture the hearts of children and adults alike from all around the world.
- Ska-doo : A ska-doo is giant, celebratory party.
- Doozer Sticks : Doozer sticks are thin, transparent modules made by Doozers for use in their construction projects. Made of radishes, they are also a favorite Fraggle snack
- Boomph : A different kind of oomp.
- Flup : A specialized diving move that is part of a slide-n-dive. (A twist, a tuck, a flip, a flup)
- Outer Space : The human world. Uncle Traveling Matt sends postcards and artifacts from his journeys here.
- Goofbug : A silly bug who lives in Fraggle Rock.
- Rumblebug : An adorable little bug that makes a humming sound and lives in the Crevice of Solitude and throughout other locations in Fraggle Rock.
- Flutterfly : A beautiful, luminescent flying bug that lives in Fraggle Rock. Part of the New Day's Day celebrations include releasing Flutterflies.
- Bippled : A Doozer unit of measurement, much larger than tripled.
- Stinkleberries : Stinkleberries are a berry fruit that typically grow nearthe Trash Heap. They smell awful but can be used to unfreeze a Fraggle.
- Floop Boop and Whoop : Floop Bloop and Whoop is a fun game that’s partsong, part-diving routine performed around a body of water. Respectively, it translates to a dive, a cannonball, and waving your hands in the air while shouting, “Whooooop!”
- Baloobius : The baloobius is the proper term for the fringe on the end of a Fraggle's tail. It tends to flare out when a Fraggle is scared and can even glow when a Fraggle feels truly at peace with oneself.
- Silly Creatures : What Uncle Travelling Matt calls humans.
- Squishy Crystal Cloak : Uncle Travelling Matt mistakes bubble wrap for something more mystical.
- Merggle : Merggles are a race of aquatic Fraggle-like creatures. Merggles are the Fraggle version of “merfolk” — the lower half of a Merggle's body is akin to a fish's tail.
- Silly Slipp : What Uncle Travelling Matt calls the ice in an ice rink. He thinks some Silly Creatures are born with blades on their feet and are forced to travel in circles.
- Pop 'n Bop : A non-competitive, jazzy soccer with a name game element played with a little gourd.
- Bizzle (of Secrets) : What Uncle Travelling Matt calls an empty plastic bottle. He believes it collects secrets and holds them safe.
- Fraggle Waggle Wee! : A celebratory exclamation said when someone does something really good.
- Tug 'O Tails : A game played where a Fraggle tugs another’s tail. The winner is awarded with the coveted Tug ‘O Tails trophy.
- Greaseberry Leaves : Leaves that are slippery. Fraggles place them on their feet so they can slide around.
- Sploopy Blate : Sploopy blate is what you say when in the Cave of Recombobulation to try and realign yourself. However, nobody truly knows what it means.
- Zazzle-berry Cake : A cake served at Fraggle birthdays.
- Foggy Fruit : A berry that when thrown on the ground produces a burst of fog. Often used in magic tricks.
- Poison Cacklers : Legend has it Icy Joe wrestled them to the ground. A very dangerous foe indeed.
- Rock Hockey : Similar to ice hockey but played with rocks instead of a puck and greaseberry leaves on feet instead of skates.
- Uncle Traveling Matt Traveling Flat : What Uncle Travelling Matt calls a cafeteria tray. To be used like a snowboard.
- Doozer Tube : A cylindrical communication device created by the Doozers and used by the Fraggles.
- Skitter Stone : The stone that determines the Fraggle who gives the speech on New Day's Day.
- Skitter Scatter : Chase the skitter stone and whoever catches it gets to give a speech, wear a fancy hat and release the flutterflies.
- Craggle : Craggles are Fraggle- like, more reserved creatures that live at Craggle Lagoon. They do the majority of their play in a connected dream state.
- The Mantivore : A giant praying mantis-like creature that lives near the spout of Craggle Lagoon.
- One-Handed Upsy Doozy Gravity Bloozy : A one-handed handstand with some hopsiehandwalks. Red performs for the Craggles but they aren't impressed.
- Grizzard : A lizard like creature that lives in Fraggle Rock.
- The Giggle Gaggle Games : An Olympic style competition of all the best Fraggle games. Hosted by Barry Blueberry.
- Radish-ade : A favorite hot drink of Fraggles served at the Giggle Gaggle Games.
- Slip and Flip : Part of the Giggle Gaggle Games. Fraggles slide on Greaseberry Leaves across the cave, then fly up into the air.
- Hairier More Intelligent : Creatures What Uncle Travelling Matt calls dogs.
- The Orb of Understanding : What Uncle Travelling Matt calls a dog’s mucked up tennis ball.
- Bumpteenth : A unit of measurement similar to umpteenth.
- Top Fuzzies : What Uncle Travelling Matt calls hair.
- Can of Friends : Whipped cream in a can that Uncle Traveling Matt sends to the Fraggles to make friends.
- Merggular : Merggle slang for Tubular - something that's really cool.
Synopsis :
A reboot of the musical and family adventures in the underground world of Fraggle Rock where furry creatures named Gobo, Red, Boober, Mokey, Wembley and Uncle Travelling Matt live.
Fraggle Rock: Back to the Rock
Directed by Jonathan A. Rosenbaum, Paul Fox, Jordan Canning, Zach Lipovsky, Adam B. Stein
Produced by Ritamarie Peruggi
Written by Alex Cuthbertson, Charley Feldman, Matt Fusfeld, Douglas Lyons, Sabrina Jalees, Maurin Mwombela, John Tartaglia
Starring Jennifer Bain, Brendan James Boyd, Andrew G. Cooper, DeRic Starlight, John Tartaglia , Dave Goelz , Karen Prell, Donna Kimball, Jordan Lockhart, Kevin Clash, Frank Meschkuleit
Cinematography : Gavin Smith
Editor : Duncan Christie, Paul Winestock, Marianna Khoury
Production company : Henson Associates
Original network : AppleTV+
Original release : January 21 2022
Running time : 25 minutes
(Source : press release)