Music box is a collection of documentary films created by Bill Simmons exploring pivotal moments in the music world. The films in the series, kicked off by Woodstock 99: Peace, Love, and Rage on July 23, are each helmed by a different director and will continue airing in late fall 2021 and include:
Jagged (directed by Alison Klayman)
An intimate exploration of Alanis Morissette and her groundbreaking 1995 album Jagged Little Pill
Untitled DMX (directed by Christopher Frierson)
A film with rare access to the late rapper after his release from prison – a portrait of a man struggling with addiction, fame, and his inner demons in the final years of his life;
Listening to Kenny G (directed by Penny Lane)
An examination of the most popular instrumentalist of all time and why he is polarizing to so many.
Mr. Saturday Night (directed by John Maggio)
The untold story of Robert Stigwood and how he amped the disco era.
Untitled Juice WRLD (directed by Tommy Oliver)
A film exploring how the late hip-hop star impacted a genre during his short life.
(Source : press release)