After having their planned Tribeca 2020 premieres canceled, the feature films of the 2020 Festival have been invited back for long awaited in-person premieres in 2021.
Participating titles include:
499, directed by Rodrigo Reyes
All the Streets Are Silent, directed by Jeremy Elkin
The Art of Political Murder, directed by Paul Taylor
Asia, directed by Rothy Pribar
Banksy Most Wanted, directed by Aurélia Rouvier, Seamus Haley
Brian Wilson: Long Promised Road, directed by Brent Wilson
Clean, directed by Paul Solet
Contactado, directed by Marite Ugas
Cowboys, directed by Anna Kerrigan
Dear Mr. Brody, directed by Keith Maitland
Enemies of the State, directed by Sonia Kennebeck
Fries! The Movie, directed by Michael Steed
Fully Realized Humans, directed by Joshua Leonard
The God Committee, directed by Austin Stark
Happily, directed by BenDavid Grabinski
Harley, directed by Jean-Cosme Delaloye
Honeydew, directed by Devereux Milburn
I Carry You With Me, directed by Heidi Ewing
I Promise, directed by Marc Levin
Ice Cold, directed by Karam Gill
Jacinta, directed by Jessica Earnshaw
Kiss the Ground, directed by Josh Tickell, Rebecca Tickell
Kubrick by Kubrick, directed by Grégory Monro
La Madrina: The [Savage] Life of Lorine Padilla, directed by Raquel Cepeda
Landfall, directed by Cecilia Aldarondo
Larry Flynt for President, directed by Nadia Szold
The Last Out, directed by Sami Khan, Michael Gassert
Lorelei, directed by Sabrina Doyle
Love Spreads, directed by Jamie Adams
Marvelous and the Black Hole, directed by Kate Tsang
Materna, directed by David Grutnik
Miracle Fishing: Kidnapped Abroad, directed by Miles Hargrove
My Heart Can't Beat Unless You Tell It To, directed by Jonathan Cuartas
No Future, directed by Andrew Irvine, Mark Smoot
Not Going Quietly, directed by Nicholas Bruckman
The Outside Story, directed by Casimir Nozkowski
P.S. Burn This Letter Please, directed by Michael Seligman, Jennifer Tiexiera
Pray Away, directed by Kristine Stolakis
Ricky Powell: The Individualist, directed by Josh Swade
She Paradise, directed by Maya Cozier
Simple As Water, directed by Megan Mylan
The Sit-In: Harry Belafonte Hosts The Tonight Show, directed by Yoruba Richen
Socks on Fire, directed by Bo McGuire
The State of Texas vs. Melissa, directed by Sabrina Van Tassel
Stateless (Apátrida), directed by Michèle Stephenson
Sweet Thing, directed by Alexandre Rockwell
Television Event, directed by Jeff Daniels
This Is Paris, directed by Alexandra Dean
Through the Night, directed by Lora Limbal
Wake Up on Mars (Réveil sur Mars), directed by Dea Gjinovci
Women In Blue, directed by Deirdre Fishel
Yusuf Hawkins: Storm Over Brooklyn, directed by Muta'Ali
(Source : press release)