Calamity, A Childhood of Martha Jane Cannary is a French animated feature film directed by Rémi Chayé. Freely inspired by the life of the American pioneer Calamity Jane, this animated film has established itself in France as one of the best animated films of recent years.
1863, United States of America. Martha Jane's father is injured in a convoy heading west in the hope of a better life. She has to drive the family wagon and look after the horses. The apprenticeship is hard, but Martha Jane has never felt so free. And because it's more convenient to ride, she doesn't hesitate to put on pants. It is the audacity of too much for Abraham, the leader of the convoy. Accused of theft, Martha is forced to flee. Dressed as a boy, searching for proof of her innocence, she discovers a world under construction where her unique personality will assert itself. An adventure full of dangers and rich in encounters which, step by step, will reveal the mythical Calamity Jane.
Calamity, a childhood of Martha Jane Cannary is finally available on Blu-ray and DVD as of today.
DVD and Blu-ray Bonus:
- 5 Women for Calamity
- The genesis of Calamity
- The Color of Calamity
- The voices of Calamity
- Long version scene
- The music of Calamity
- Work In Progress - the steps of the making
- Trailer
Technical characteristics of the DVD :
- Running time: 1h22 approx.
- Screen format : 16/9
- Image format : 2.39
- Sound : 5.1 / 2.0
- Language : French
- Subtitles : French (deaf and hard of hearing)
- Audio description 2.0
Technical characteristics of the blu-ray :
- Video : HD 1080P / Format 2.39
- Audio: French DTS HD Master audio 5.1 & 2.0 / Audiodescription 2.0
- Subtitles : French (deaf and hard of hearing)
An adventure full of dangers and rich in encounters that, step by step, will reveal the mythical Calamity Jane.
Calamity, a Childhood of Martha Jane Cannary
Directed by Rémi Chayé
Produced by Henri Magalon, Claire La Combe, Claus Toksvig Kjae
Written by Rémi Chayé, Sandra Tosello, Fabrice de Costil
With the French voices of Salomé Boulven, Alexandra Lamy, Alexis Tomassian
Music by Florencia Di Concilio
Edited by Benjamin Massoubre
Production : Maybe Movies, Nølum, 2 Minutes, France 3 Cinéma
Release date : June 28, 2020 (Lyon), February 5, 2021 (USA)
Running time: 85 minutes
Photos : Copyright Gebeka Films