The Other side (Andra sidan) is a film written and directed by Tord Danielsson and Oskar Mellander. The cast includes Dilan Gwyn, Eddie Eriksson Dominguez, Linus Wahlgren, Troy James, Sander Falk, Karin Lithman, Henrik Norlén.
Tord Danielsson & Oskar Mellander met in 2012 while working on the writing of an eight-episode horror series for the Swedish channel TV6. They subsequently write and direct numerous films for television. They share a love for stories with a highly visual narrative that differs from the realistic approach of many Swedish films. The Other Side, inspired by real life facts, is their first feature film.
Synopsis :
Shirin, a beginner in her role as a mother-in-law, moves into a semi-detached house with her partner Fredrik and her son Lucas. This new home seems to her the ideal place to start a family. But when Fredrik goes away on business, Shirin hears strange noises emanating from the other half of the lodge as Lucas makes a new friend.
The Other side (Andra sidan)
Written and directed by Tord Danielsson, Oskar Mellander
Produced by Gila Bergqvist Ulfung
Starring Dilan Gwyn, Eddie Eriksson Dominguez, Linus Wahlgren, Troy James, Sander Falk, Karin Lithman, Henrik Norlén
Music by Jonas Wikstrand
Cinematography Andres Rignell, Henrik Johansson
Edited by Joakim Ekström Tessert
Distributed by First International Production
Release date: October 23,2020 (Sweden)
Running time: 87 minutes
(Source: press release)