Psycho Goreman is a Canadian science fiction horror comedy written and directed by Steven Kostanski. It stars Nita-Josee Hanna and Owen Myre as a younger sister and brother who involuntarily resurrect a former alien lord (played by Matt Ninaber). Psycho Goreman was originally scheduled to premiere at the South by Southwest Film Festival in March 2020, but the festival was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It was screened later in the year as part of Beyond Fest, the Sitges Film Festival and Monster Fest. Having been acquired by RLJE Films and Shudder, Psycho Goreman iwas released in theatres and VOD on January 22, 2021 in USA.
Steven Kostanski is a member of the Astron-6 collective, a Canadian production company founded in 2007 that makes low-budget independent films in the spirit of the 1980s, such as his debut film Manborg (2011) or The Editor by Adam Brooks & Matt Kennedy (2014). He works on special effects for many Hollywood productions, such as Pacific Rim by Guillermo Del Toro (2013) or Çà by Andy Muschietti (2016). In 2016, he co-signs with Jeremy Gillespie The Void, presented at the Festival de Gérardmer.
Synopsis :
2019, on the outskirts of a small American town. Mimi and her brother Luke discover the tomb of Psycho Goreman, a sleeping alien warlord whose only desire is to destroy the entire universe. Fortunately, they also find a magical gemstone that allows them to control him. But an intergalactic league of renegade hunters learns of Psycho Goreman's resurrection and decides to join him on Earth?
PG: Psycho Goreman
Written and directed by Steven Kostanski
Produced by Stuart F. Andrews, Shannon Hanner & Peter Kuplowsky
Starring Nita-Josee Hanna, Owen Myre, Adam Brooks, Alexis Hancey, Matthew Ninaber
Music by Blitz//Berlin
Cinematography: Andrew Appelle
Edited by Andrew Appelle, Steven Kostanski
Production company : Raven Banner Entertainment
Distributed by RLJE Films
Release date: October 7, 2020 (Beyond Fest)
Running time: 99 minutes
(Source: press release)