Archive is a British science fiction film from 2020 written and directed by Gavin Rothery, in his early days as a director. It features Theo James, Stacy Martin, Rhona Mitra, Peter Ferdinando and Toby Jones. Set in 2038, the film follows a scientist who is trying to advance artificial intelligence further than human beings, while bringing his wife back from the dead.
Originally an illustrator and cartoonist, Gavin Rothery has worked for the gaming industry since 1996. His skills in graphic design and visual effects led him to turn to advertising and then to film. He is notably the designer and artistic advisor for the film Moon directed by Duncan Jones in 2009. He recently designed the spaceships for the space simulation video game Star Citizen. Archive is his first feature film.
The film was originally scheduled to premiere at South by Southwest in March 2020, but was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Instead, it received a digital release with limited screenings in theaters across the U.S. on July 10, 2020.
Synopsis :
2049. George Almore is a robotician on the verge of making a momentous discovery. In a secret laboratory, he develops a humanoid robot whose last prototype, J3, is almost finished. Each model is an increasingly advanced replica of his wife Jules, who died in a brutal road accident. Carried by his everlasting love for her, George has deliberately omitted to divulge the true purpose of his research: to create a perfect clone of his wife...
Written and directed by Gavin Rothery
Produced by Cora Palfrey, Philip Herdn Theo James
Starring Theo James, Stacy Martin, Rhona Mitra, Peter Ferdinando, Richard Glover, Lia Williams, Toby Jones
Music by Steven Price
Cinematography: Laurie Rose
Edited by Adam Biskupski
Production company: Independent, Head Gear Films, Untapped
Distributed by Vertical Entertainment
Release date: 10 July 2020 (USA)
Running time: 105 minutes
(Source: press release)