This new documentary series proposes an immersion in the artistic and creative universe of its artists, based on personal stories. It is composed of 4 themed collections, each comprising 5 short episodes. The first of these Inspiration collections is to be discovered on Disney+ from November 13th. It explores what triggers inspiration and the transition from idea to execution. Produced by Pixar Animation Studios, the documentary series Backstage at Pixar is directed by Erica Milsom and Tony Kaplan.
We were able to discover today the first two episodes of this new documentary series. Each one lasts about eleven minutes and allows us to immerse ourselves in the Pixar studios and to meet artists in the midst of their artistic creation.
The first episode is on Kemp Powers, the co-writer and co-director of the new animated film Pixar Soul which will be released directly on December 25th on Disney +. This episode allows us to discover the creation of this new masterpiece of animation and the collaboration of Kemp Powers with many Pixar creators. We thus discover that Soul will grant an important place to music, to the Afro-American culture and especially will approach in an original way what may or may not happen after our great departure. Certainly Soul will be a fantastic animated film in which the main character who died accidentally tries to find a way to recover his stolen life. This first episode allows us to discover a passionate director whose much awaited Soul received a 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes .
The second episode is on Deanna Marsigliese (character art director) who tells us about her professional experience, especially on Toy Story 4. We will discover how she captures the emotions of the characters she works on and how she can give them psychological depth. Her work on the creation of the clothes of the characters of the film The Indestructibles 2 deserves to discover this second episode a little too short as it proves to be fascinating.
These two first episodes approach the Pixar studios by showing us what happens not only during the busy days of these two creators but also how they are constantly listening to their environment, whether it is within Pixar but especially in the streets, the places they frequent. The great strength of Pixar's animated films is to be constantly listening to what is happening in the real world to recreate a universe as fascinating as it is exciting.
Discover the official photos on our Flickr page here.
(Source: press release)