Pennyworth is an American crime drama television series, based on characters published by DC Comics and created by Bob Kane and Bill Finger, that premiered on July 28, 2019, on Epix. The series is executive produced by Bruno Heller and Danny Cannon and stars Jack Bannon as Alfred Pennyworth, alongside Ben Aldridge, Emma Paetz, Ryan Fletcher, Hainsley Lloyd Bennett, Paloma Faith, Polly Walker, and Jason Flemyng. The second season was confirmed on October 27, 2019, to begin filming in January 2020, however filming was paused in March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. On October 12, 2020, it was announced that the second season will premiere on December 13, 2020.
Pennyworth explores the early life of the titular Wayne family butler, Alfred Pennyworth, a former British SAS soldier who is forming his own security company in an alternate London which combines aspects of London in the 1950s and 1960s with invented events and practices (for example, televised public executions). Alfred becomes a target of the Raven Society, a group conspiring to take over the British government, and begins working against them alongside American agents of the No Name League, Thomas Wayne and Martha Kane, the future parents of Bruce Wayne/Batman.
A year after the explosive events of last season, England finds itself embroiled in a devastating civil war, with the powerful, neo-fascist Raven Union, led by Lord Harwood (Jason Flemyng) threatening to control the entire country. North London remains one of the few resistance holdouts remaining. It’s here in the West End Neutral Zone, that we find Alfred Pennyworth. After years in the British Army, his training with the SAS has taught him to be a cynical optimist – expecting the worst, but knowing that he can handle it. Now running The Delaney, a black-market Soho club that welcomes everyone, regardless of their politics, Alfred, with his SAS mates, Deon “Bazza” Bashford (Hainsley Lloyd Bennett) and Wallace “Daveboy” MacDougal (Ryan Fletcher), is now in search of a way out – before London, and his country, burns itself to the ground. And he’s got his eye on America.
Synopsis :
Focus on the early years of Alfred Pennyworth, Batman's famous butler. In London in the 1960s, this British Special Forces soldier joined a young millionaire named Thomas Wayne, future father of Bruce Wayne, to work alongside him.
Based on Alfred Pennyworth by Bill Finger, Jerry Robinson
Starring Jack Bannon, Ben Aldridge, Emma Paetz, Hainsley Lloyd Bennett, Ryan Fletcher, Dorothy Atkinson, Ian Puleston-Davies, Paloma Faith, Polly Walker, Jason Flemyng
Composer : David E. Russo
Executive producers : Bruno Heller, Danny Cannon
Production companies : Primrose Hill Productions, DC Entertainment, Warner Horizon Television
Distributor : Warner Bros. Television Distribution
Original network : Epix
Original release : July 28, 2019 – present
Photos : Copyright Epix