This 6-episode documentary series takes viewers into the heart of Walt Disney's animation studios during the final year of production of Frozen 2. For the first time, cameras filmed the directors, designers, songwriters and performers at work to offer a new and exceptional vision of artistic creation, the challenges encountered and the complexity of bringing to life this film, which has since become the biggest hit in the history of animation.
Produced by Lincoln Square Productions and Walt Disney Animation Studios this 6 episode documentary series follows Jennifer Lee the director, writer and creative director of Walt Disney Animation Studios, director Chris Buck, producer Peter Del Vecho, composers Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez, actors Kristen Bell (Anna), Idina Menzel (Elsa), Josh Gad ( Olaf), Jonathan Groff (Kristoff), Sterling K. Brown (Lieutenant Mattias), Evan Rachel Wood (Iduna) and the talented artists and technicians from Walt Disney animation studios as they race against time to finish the film.
At the end of May, we had the chance to discover the first three episodes of this new documentary series. Impressive is the first word that comes to our mind as the creative process of a cult animated film reveals itself to be infinitely rich. By way of comparison, imagine that before eating in a Michelin-starred restaurant, its chef comes to present the cuisine and how each dish is worked to achieve not only gustatory but also visual perfection. Watching this new documentary series is like realizing a daydream for all movie lovers. Better than a masterclass, this series comes back to better understand the sum of talents (we could say goldsmiths) attached to this film that has become the biggest success of all time for an animated film.
If The Walt Disney Company is considered as one of the best animation studios and makes that each animation film is of an undeniable quality both from the point of view of animation, of the scenario but as it is also the case here of the different songs that illustrate this story. To better understand its aspects, this documentary is however not a simple succession of promotional interviews but rather encounters with people passionate about their jobs, be it the two directors Chris Buck, Jennifer Lee, the producer Peter Del Vecho but also the animators who worked on it, actors notably Evan Rachel Wood in rehearsal of a musical title of the film. Listening to director Jennifer Lee is not only exciting, but you can understand how, like everyone else on the film team, she is totally committed to listening to the people who work with her to bring a film of rare perfection to life.
This documentary series clearly shows that to make a great animated film, you need not only a connected and committed team capable of listening, exchanging and contributing ideas, but above all, a team capable of questioning itself to give the best of itself. The perfect example is to see Kristen Bell's rehearsals to give not only her voice to her character Anna but also the way she approached the songs of the film (some of her sequences are of a rare emotion and will make you want to sing but above all to see this film again in its original version). We can never say enough that a film must be seen in its original version, especially an animated film, as the actors' work is based on their voice, their intonation, the expression of certain feelings.
Each episode focuses on specific points and shows the perfect harmony between the different artists involved in the creation of Frozen 2. It is even more interesting to see the whole process how an animated film comes to life and in particular is worked step by step through different projections at The Walt Disney Company studios to perfect each detail of this great animated film. The first three episodes that we discovered make us want to see the sequel and especially to see The Snow Queen again in its original version. This film is for the little anecdote already available on Disney + in the United States and will soon also be available in France ...
We can only advise you this new and excellent series whose six episodes will be exclusively on Disney + from June 26th.
In the meantime you can discover the official pictures of the first three episodes on our official Flickr page here
Less than a year before the world premiere of Frozen 2, the creative team opened its doors for this six-part documentary about the creation of this animated film. Cameras were able to film the challenges and advances made by the artistic teams at Walt Disney animation studios during the creation of this feature film that has become the biggest success of all time for an animated film.
Frozen 2
A film by Chris Buck, Jennifer Lee...
Produced by Peter Del Vecho
Based on a screenplay by Jennifer Lee, Allison Schroeder...
On a story by Chris Buck, Jennifer Lee, Marc E. Smith, Kristen Anderson-Lopez, Robert Lopez
With the voices in original version of Kristen Bell, Idina Menzel, Josh Gad, Jonathan Groff
With the voices in French version of Dany Boon, Charlotte Hervieux, Emmylou Homs
Production: Walt Disney Animation Studios
Distributed by Walt Disney Studios (USA),
Release date: November 20, 2019 (France), November 22, 2019 (United States)
Running tom : 103mns
Photos: Copyright Disney+.
(Source: press release)