DC's Stargirl is an American drama series created by Geoff Johns that premiered on DC Universe. It is based on the DC Comics superhero of the same name created by Johns and Lee Moder. The series follows Courtney Whitmore, portrayed by Brec Bassinger, who discovers the cosmic staff and becomes the inspiration for a new generation of superheroes who become the Justice Society of America. DC Universe ordered the series in July 2018. Bassinger was cast in September 2018, with additional castings for her family members, the Justice Society of America, and the Injustice Society through February 2019. Filming for the series began by March 2019 in the Atlanta metropolitan area in Georgia. Stargirl premiered on yestrday and will consist of 13 episodes. The series will also air today on The CW, as well as be available on The CW's digital platforms. Ahead of the series premiere, characters from the series were featured in the Arrowverse crossover "Crisis on Infinite Earths", establishing Stargirl as existing on a parallel Earth to the Arrowverse series.
Last night, we were able to discover the first episode of this new DC Universe series and we were totally won over not only by the first steps of the plot, the spectacular action scenes (the first images of the pilot are worthy of today's blockbusters), the casting but above all by the care taken to bring Stargirl's DC Comics universe to life. So after the series Arrow (2012-2020), The Flash (2014-), Supergirl (2015-), Legends of Tomorrow (2016-); Black Lightning (2018-) and Batwoman (2019-) and while waiting for next year's new Superman & Lois series, Stargirl starts under the best auspices.
From the first scene of the series, we witness a fight scene in which members of the Justice Society of America (Hawkman, Wildcat, Doctor Fate, Starman...) perish one after the other following attacks by members of the Injustice Society (Icicle, Brainwave, Tigress, Sportmaster, Dragon King). This scene seems to direct this series towards a quality worthy of blockbusters adapting the DC Comics universe to cinema as much on the point of special effects as on the choreography of the fights. By highlighting the generational side of superheroes, Stargirl comes out of these numerous series lacking a solid foundation. In the same way, Starman's death from the very first minutes seems to orientate this series towards a more adult and mature approach to DC comic book adaptations.
A few years later, Pat Dugan (S.T.R.I.P.E), Sylvester Pemberton / Starman's sidekick, started a united family with his wife and two children. He still blames himself for not being able to intervene and save not only his best friend Starman but also the members of this superhero team. When Courtney Whitmore, his daughter-in-law, finds the Cosmic Staff in the basement and the Cosmic Staff recognizes her as Starman's worthy successor, a new superhero is born and must face the Injustice Society gang.
This first episode of about fifty minutes shows not only the presence of an excellent scenario but also the will to give a real psychological depth to the different characters while leaving a realistic framework. The numerous tracks to follow that emerge from the first episode show that in the twelve coming episodes of the first season, the twists and turns will be multiple. This first episode also makes it possible to put forward not only the existing relations between Courtney Whitmore (StarGirl), her mother, Barbara, her stepfather, Pat and her half-brother Mike but also the fact that she learns little by little to better control and use the cosmic stick. We also appreciate the first meeting and confrontation between Brainwave) and Courtney Whitmore (StarGirl) who concludes this first episode and especially the appearance of the giant robot S.T.R.I.P.E.
We can suspect after seeing this first episode that not only this series is destined to be a worldwide success but also that the character of Stargirl that can know because she is not in the list of the most famous superheroes of DC Comics is doomed to have her own comic book series. Discovering this first episode is like turning the pages of one's favorite comic books. To say that we can't wait to discover the rest of these adventures is an understatement.
You can see the official photos on our flickr page : here
Synopsis :
Courtney's seemingly perfect life in Los Angeles gets upended with a move to Blue Valley, Nebraska with her mother Barbara, stepfather Pat Dugan and stepbrother Mike and she finds herself struggling to adapt to her new town and high school. But when Courtney discovers that Pat is harboring a major secret about his past, she ultimately becomes the unlikely inspiration for a new generation of Super Heroes.
Created by Geoff Johns
Based on Stargirl by Geoff Johns, Lee Moder
Starring Brec Bassinger, Yvette Monreal, Anjelika Washington, Cameron Gellman, Trae Romano, Jake Austin Walker, Meg DeLacy, Neil Jackson, Christopher James Baker, Amy Smart, Luke Wilson
Music by Pinar Toprak
Executive producers : Sarah Schechter, Glen Winter, Greg Beeman, Melissa Carter, Greg Berlanti, Geoff Johns
Producers : Jennifer Lence, James Dale Robinson, Trish Stanard
Cinematography : Christopher Manley, Scott Peck
Editor : Andi Armaganian
Running time : 53 minutes
Production companies : Berlanti Productions, Mad Ghost Productions, DC Entertainment, Warner Bros. Television
Original network : DC Universe
Photos : Copyright DC Universe