Tim Burton, renowned for his unique and imaginative films, has been captivating audiences for decades with his darkly whimsical creations. The immersive exhibition Le labyrinthe de Tim Burton (Tim Burton's Labyrinth), which opened in Paris on May 19, offers an opportunity to plunge into the captivating universe of this visionary artist. The exhibition's immersive design and labyrinthine structure offer a multitude of different pathways. You'll be able to appreciate Burton's drawings and explore his creative process.
Even if Tim Burton's latest films have disappointed us with their conformism, we can't help but applaud the memorable experiences derived from his earlier films. With its originality and immersive design, this exhibition takes visitors on a labyrinthine journey through various rooms and themes representing Burton's universe. Visitors will appreciate the emphasis placed on drawings and sketches, which form the basis of Burton's creative process. It's also worth noting that all Tim Burton's memorable films are represented here, including his Batman (1989) starring Mikael Keaton, who recently reprised his iconic role in The Flash.
The freedom to choose different paths and encounter unexpected surprises in the labyrinth is commendable. One can't help but appreciate the many superbly designed rooms, with impressive sets, sculptures and animations. The exhibition is thus a unique journey into Burton's universe, highly recommended for fans and enthusiasts alike. Each room has a distinct theme, and some feature life-size statues. Burton's drawings and sketches are given pride of place, with over 150 original pieces on display.
If you're a Tim Burton fan, you'll come away from this exhibition simply delighted. Its immersive nature allows visitors to explore the world of Tim Burton, and will resonate with fans and enthusiasts alike. The presence of original works, including drawings and sketches, highlights the foundations of Burton's creative process. The exhibition is therefore highly recommended to anyone who appreciates Tim Burton's films, and to anyone intrigued by the workings of his boundless imagination. Tim Burton's Labyrinth is a testament to the lasting impact of his unique vision and creative genius.
We invite you to discover our interview with artistic director Brandi Promefet, conducted by our editor, photographer and director Sabine Chevrier on May 18:
You can check out our photos from today's visit on our Flickr page
Official synopsis of Tim Burton's Labyrinth
Enter and discover the extraordinary world of filmmaker Tim Burton. Enjoy this captivating immersive experience, plunging into the mind of Tim Burton. A unique opportunity to access his inner world and creative process through hundreds of his original works. Walk through the dark, magical forest of The Funeral, (re)discover the colorful characters of Edward Scissorhands, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory or Beetlejuice, and lose yourself in the incredible world of Alice in Wonderland or Mr. Jack's Christmas Carol. Each room will lead you to a unique experience, and only you will decide your path... So choose carefully which doors you wish to open!
Informations :
Duration: approx. 1 hour
Official website: https://timburtonexhibition.com/
Opening hours between May 19 and July 3: Monday to Thursday, 2:00 pm to 7:00 pm, Friday 2:00 pm to 9:00 pm, Saturday 10:00 am to 9:00 pm and Sunday 10:00 am to 7:00 pm.
Opening hours July 3 to August 20: daily from 10:00 to 21:00
Price: €26 incl. VAT (ticket office)
Photos: Boris Colletier
Video interview Brandi Promefet : Sabine Chevrier