Events - Icon of Darkness : The World's largest private collection of film artifacts

By Mulder, Los Angeles, Hollywood, 31 july 2022

Icon of Darlness is the World's largest private collection of film artifacts including screen-used costumes, props & special effects. While the exhibit is primarily static displays of the props & costumes, there are several automated "jump scares" with accompanying loud noises. If you are sensitive to such things, please bear this in mind when purchasing tickets, as no refunds will be provided on this basis. Tours are a 1/2 hour guided experience with a knowledgeable docent.

 You will discover for examples the following cosutmes and artifacts from

Alien :  See a plethora of screen-used Alien costumes and props from 1979 to present day.

Batman :  See a historic selection of Batsuits ranging from Michael Keaton to Christian Bale, along with original Penguin, Catwoman, Mr. Freeze & Joker costumes.

Harry Potter :  View our costume and props display from the "Harry Potter" film series.

Horror : Screen-used costumes and props from "Nightmare on Elm Street", "Friday the 13th", "Child's Play", "It", "Phantasm", "The Thing" & "The Shining" are just a few of the pieces in our amazing Horror collection.

Jurassic park :  their incredible “Jurassic Park” collection features original, screen-used  T-Rex heads, raptor stunt suits, raptor puppet heads, and more.

Sci-fi :  Don't miss their expansive Sci-Fi collection, including artifacts from the "Predators" "Gremlins" and  "Planet of the Apes" franchises, plus "Independence Day", "Back to the Future" "Men in Black" & "Mars Attacks".

Star Wars :  Original helmets and costumes from the “Star Wars” Original and Prequel trilogies are on display.

Superhero and fantasy :  See original Spider-Man, Blade, Wolverine, Superman & Hellboy  costumes along with Screen-used pieces from "Lord of the Rings", "Mortal Kombat", "The Grinch", "The Mask", "Edward Scissorhands" and more!

Terminator:  Screen-used Arnold Schwarzenegger costumes, endoskeletons, and effects heads are among items displayed from the “Terminator” film series.

Tickets are $30 for adults and $15 for children12 years of age and under. We also offer discounted tickets of $25 for military personnel (current I.D. is required at check-in).

Other photos from this awesome place : 

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Photos  : Boris Colletier / Mulderville