Exhibition - E3 2018 – StarLink Battle for Atlas

By Mulder, Los Angeles, Convention Center, 14 june 2018

One of the most anticipated games to come out at E3 was StarLink Battle for Atlas. At Ubisoft’s conference. They revealed a Switch exclusive version for Fox McCloud’s Arwing fighter from Star Fox. Exciting old fans, Fox will be a playable character in the Switch version of the game. The Switch version will also missions exclusive to Star Fox. This game has 7 different world. It’s a third person action adventure game takes place 400 million light years away in space. The game goes threw different environments and time. StarLink Battle for Atlas was made specifically for players to have a open world experience. There is 4 types of ships and characters in this game. It was designed to go from space to on planets. Not many games can pull this off. But StarLink’s transition in graphics from environment to environment is spot on.

When making this game the developers though about numerous things and how they would affect the game. Which is why did a couple things that makes the game good. The pilots were designed to have emotional connection that gamers could relate to. It was also made with the consideration that not everyone who plays games could play the game, but they made it so easy the game guides you threw. Developers made sure to make this game for all types of gamers. The building up of the mod ( model plane) you can pick and choose what weapons you want, build up armor and put on other assures that help you fight. Starter packs, which set up mods. Makes it easy to start to playing right away.

When developers made this game, they put so much thought into it that I think it paid off. I seen the man demo a quick over view of what toy was what and what it did. Then I jumped in. The first thing that stood out was the great graphic when I picked my first mod. The toy is exactly like the game graphic. When you pick your mod you see the whole stats on it which is nice. The mod clips on the game remote. Which is super fun to play. You attach different thing to the mod. The game pauses when you switch up your ship which assures nothing will happen in change. But you still the option to pause game while you change if you want. There is a split screen when two players are on. With a dropping in and drop out feature. Which means a player can come in and help then leave. StarLink Battle for Atlas has so many options when playing this game, its so many ways the games could go.

Written by Adrian Jones
Photos: Adrian Jones